اخبار مصر و الصحافة اليوم
- درجات الحرارة في مصر - الاحد 9/1/2011
- مشاهدة فيلم اللعبة العادلة مباشرة اونلاين يوم الأربعاء 12/1/2011
- اخبار إتصال مجاني بالتليفون عن طريق الإنترنت
- الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار الشروق الوفد الفجر 9/1/2011
- اخبار الامارات فى الصحف 9/1/2011
- مقال رجب البنا اليوم فى الاهرام
- الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار الشروق الوفد الفجر 8/1/2011
- اخر اخبار تهديدات أمنية لشقيق وزوج أخت سيد بلال
- اخبار عن البحث عن 5 ارهابيين من مصر و خارجها في جريمة الإسكندرية
- جدول المواد للمرحلة الإعدادية بمدارس حلوان لامتحانات نصف العام
- "حملة البرادعى" تتهم إسرائيل بإثارة الفتنة على "الفيس بوك"
- حلقة محمد حسان عن تفجيركنيسة الاسكندرية ليس من الإسلام في شيء
- وفاة الأمير فيصل بن فهد بن عبد الله
- اخبار واسرار نسر "آر56" يكشف لغز القرش المفترس بشرم الشيخ
- الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار 7/1/2011
- مسابقة بوابة الأهرام - 30 جائرة منهم 10 لابتوب
- اخبار عن مسابقة موبينيل و مصر للطيران
- احدث عروض موبنيل عرض الكريسماس من LINKDSL
- اخبار عيد الميلاد قداس عيد الميلاد وسط تواجد أمنى مكثف
- العاشره مساء و الحياة اليوم و 48 ساعة و واحد من الناس 6/1/2011
- جوجل تحتفل بجبران خليل جبران
- عروض كارفور من 6/1/2011 الى 20/1/2011
- العاشره مساء و الحياة اليوم و 48 ساعة و واحد من الناس 6/1/2011
- شروط التقدم للإعارة في وزارة التربية و التعليم
- مقال محمد حسان و الحويني و حسين يعقوب في الأخبار
- جدول امتحانات كليه حقوق جامعه عين شمس تعليم مفتوح كل الفرق 2011
- اخبار أنفلونزا الخنازير بالمنيا والدقهلية 6/1/2011
- ردود أفعال واسعة حول تعرض مصريين للتعذيب على يد ضابط ليبى
- الاخبار فى الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار 5/1/2011
- أخبار الأهلي اليوم فى الصحف 5/1/2011
- اخبار الاهلى والزمالك فى الصحف 5/1/2011
- راعي كنيسة القديسين يحذر من القاعده 5/1/2011
- صور عزاء طاهر أبو زيد بطلخا
- احدث اخبار حواس ويسرا يشاركان بوقفة للأطفال ضد الإرهاب
- احدث اخبار عن صفحة الشاب الذي هدد بالإنتحار علي الفيس بوك
- اخبار عن 23 حالة اشتباه بأنفلونزا الخنازير فى الدقهلية فى مصر 5/1/2011
- احدث واخر اخبار عن رد فعل العالم وامريكا فى حادثة كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية 4/1/2011
- مشاهدة فيديو تعذيب ضابط ليبى لمصريين وتجريدهم من ملابسهم 4/1/2011
- العاشره مساء و الحياة اليوم و 48 ساعة و واحد من الناس 3/1/2011
- مواطنة لـ"الحياة والناس": لدى معلومات هامة حول حادث القديسين
- الاخبار فى صحف الاردن 4/1/2011
- الاخبار فى صحف العراق 4/1/2011
- الاخبار فى الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار 4/1/2011
- احدث اخبار فى ويكيليكس: إسرائيل تستعد لحرب واسعة فى الشرق الأوسط 4/1/2011
- احدث اخبار فى ويكيليكس تكشف أسباب احتلال العراق للكويت
- كسوف جزئى للشمس عند الساعة العاشرة و31 دقيقة صباحا فى مصر الثلاثاء 4/1/2011
- العوا يطالب بمحاكمة البرادعي
- الكنائس المصرية المستهدفة من القاعدة فى موقع شبكة المجاهدين الإلكترونية
- برجك اليوم 3/1/2011
- توقعات الابراج 2011
- شبكة المجاهدين الإلكترونية شن هجمات جديدة ضد الكنائس المصرية
- الاخبار فى الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار 3/1/201
- أخبار الزمالك فى الصحف اليوم 3/1/2011
- احدث أخبار الزمالك و الأهلي فى الصحف اليوم 3/1/2011
- اعلنت شبكة المجاهدين الإلكترونية مسئوليتها عن تفجير كنيسة القديسيين بالإسكندرية
- احدث واهم الاخبار فى الصحف المصرية الاهرام الاخبار 2/1/2011
اخبار الفن
- غادة عبدالرازق : قبلت (بون سواريه) لأخفف عن الناس
- احدث اخبار غادة عادل نجمة يناير على "art"
- اخبار حسن حسنى"أبو العروسة" فى زفاف ابنة المخرج الراحل أشرف فهمى
- هانى رمزى وعمرو واكد فى فى ليلة عيد الميلاد المجيد 2011
- راى عادل إمام فى حادث كنيسة "القديسين" بالإسكندرية
- ثيمات نوكيا رومنسيه 2011
- ستائر في قمة الروعة 2011
- هيفاء وهبي و شعار إحتفال مئوية الزمالك
- صور هيفاء تتقمص شخصية يحيى سعادة
- توقعات الابراج 2011
- صور ليلي البرادعي بالبكيني
- صور رولا سعد وحفلة الجبيل ليلة رأس السنة
- موضة قمصان نوم للبنات 2011
- بنات لبنان الاكثر انوثه واثارة 2011
- صور رولا سعد 2011
- عبير صبري مشهد ساخن يثير أزمة في حفلة منتصف الليل
- صور أبطال عاوز أتجوز الفيلم يظهر الأبعاد الحقيقية لأزمة الزواج
- احدث وافضل صور و اجمل خلفيات منوعه للماسنجر لعام 2011
- احدث رسائل جوال عسى من هو جرح قلبك يموت الحظ ماطاع sms 2011
- احدث موضة فى كولكشن ازياء جديده روعه 2011
- ملأبسِ شتويه مِآرِكه راقيِه وِشيكَ 2011
- احدث صور حفلة زفاف شقيقة المطربة زيزي عادل 2011
- فضائح بنات العرب فضيحة لارا مراد 2011
- تحميل ابتهالات الشيخ ياسين التهامي 2011
- البوم محمود ياسين التهامى ابا الزهراء
- صور فاضحة هيفاء شبه عارية تثير غضب زوجها 2011
- اغنيه دينا يوسف مالكم ومالنا
- اغنيه حكيم الواد السكر اهوه
- صور روتانا ابنة الفنانة غادة عبدالرازق 2011
- عبير صبرى ومشاهد الجنس فى الافلام 2011
- احدث صور شيكابالا مع أخت روبي و صور عمرو ذكي مع منه فضالي
- صور وائل جسار فى حفلات رأس السنة
- صور هيفاء وهبى الجنسية فى حفل رأس السنة
- شخص مخمور يعتدي على نيكول سابا خلال غنائها على المسرح
- صور و مقاطع جنسية لزوجتة علي الإنترنت فقتلها
- التحقيق في قتل السيد بلال تحت تاثير التعذيب
- سيدة تستعين بـ 7 ساقطات لإدارة شبكة دعارة بالمقطم
- النائب العام: تحقيقات حادث الكنيسة لم تتوصل بعد للجانى
- علاقة جنسية مع شاب حملت منه و ألقت طفلتها في الترعة
- فتاة بريطانية تترك مولودها فى شارع بدبى وتهرب
- صاحب صورة الجثة المجهولة المشتبة في قيامه بتفجير الكنيسة
- فيديو حريق مروع بمصنع بويات فى شبرا الخيمة 6/1/2011
- فضائح جنسية علاقات بالخادمة وزميلاتها.. زوج خائن عينه فارغة
- يصور خطيبته عارية قبل الزفاف بيومين و يطلقها بعد التنازل عن جميع حقوقها
- مدير مدرسة و إبنه يتناوبان الإغتصاب علي فتاة قدمت أوراقها للعمل كمدرسه
- الحكم على خادمة نرمين الفقى وشركائها
- اخبار السودانية المتهمة بإجهاض الفتيات ورتق غشاء البكارة مصابة بالإيدز
- الزوج في السجن تتزوج عرفيا وتنجب من زوجها الجديد طفلين
- الضابط أحمد محمد عبد اللطيف المعتدى على نوال حامد أستاذة جامعة الزقازيق
- الزوج في السجن تتزوج عرفيا وتنجب من زوجها الجديد طفلين
- العوا يطالب بمحاكمة البرادعي
- مشاهدة فيديو إنفجار كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية 3/1/2011
- شهيد كمين المنيب العائل الوحيد لأسرته وأهالى قريته يطالبون بالثأر من الجناة
- القبض على صاحب السيارة المفخخة في حادث تفجيرات كنيسة القديسين
- سيارة 128 تثير الذعر أمام كنيسة بالفيوم
- الحبس 3 سنوات لشخص أنشأ موقعاً إباحياً لشقيقاته انتقاماً منهن
- احدث واخر اخبار الفنانة ريم البارودى على حكم حبسها
- احدث اخبار عن الإيرانية المحكوم عليها بالرجم
- ضبط موظفين يمارسان الرذيلة مع فتاة داخل مطبخ مستشفي الجامعه ببنها
- صرف 15 ألف جنيه لأسر ضحايا كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية
- الإسعاف الطائر ينقل الحالات الخطيرة إلى القاهرة
- تقرير كامل وحديث عن حادثة كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية
- كشف باسماء ضحايا ومصابى حادث انفجار الإسكندرية
- احدث واخر اخبار فى كنيسة القديسين بالإسكندرية 1/1/2011
- كشف اسرار وصور حادث انفجار السيارة المفخخة أمام كنيسة القديسين بمحافظة الإسكندرية 1/1/2011
- إخلاء سبيل فلسطينية متهمة بحمل أقلام تصوير
- مشادات بين أولياء أمور "كلية النصر للبنات" بالإسكندرية
- نجاة رئيس نادى الزمالك من الموت
- أقوال إحدى الطالبات فى واقعة إجبار مدرسة لهن على خلع "البنطال"
- إصابة شقيقين ووالدهما بسبب علاقة عاطفية
- احدث واهم أشهر الحوادث و الجرائم 2010 فى مصر
- القبض على شبكة آداب بحلوان قبل رأس السنة
- احدث اخبار عن إحالة أوراق فتاة وصديقها إلى المفتى لإدانتهما بقتل عشيقها
درجة الحرارة والطقس فى مصر
- درجات الحرارة والطقس في مصر 7/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة والطقس في مصر 6/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة والطقس في مصر 5/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة و الطقس في مصر 4/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة والطقس في مصر 3/1/2011
- درجة الحرارة وتوقعات احوال الطقس فى مصر يوم 2/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة والطقس فى مصر 1/1/2011
- درجات الحرارة والطقس فى الاسكندرية 1/1/2011
- توقعات درجة الحرارة والطقس فى مصر 31/12/2010
احدث واهم اخبار الرياضة
- أخبار الأهلي اليوم 9/1/2011
- أوغندا تخشى الفراعنة بعد خماسية تنزانيا
- احدث اخبار عن متعب و فضل و شهاب إلى تدريبات الأهلى
- اخبار الاهلى فى الصحف 8/1/2011
- مشاهدة مباراة قطر و أزبكستان بث مباشر 7/1/2011
- مشاهدة مباراة دوري الدرجة الأولى الليبي 2010/2011 الجمعة 7 يناير 2011
- مشاهدة مباراة دوري الدرجة الأولى السعودي 2010/2011 الجمعة 7 يناير 2011
- آخر أخبار مباريات كأس الأمم الآسيوية 2011 في قطر من 7 الى 12/1/2011
- أسماء اللاعبين الذين طلبهم جوزية
- اخبار الاهلى فى الصحف اليوم 6/1/2011
- اخبار الاهلى والزمالك فى الصحف 6/1/2011
- صور و فيديو استقبال حاشد لجوزيه بالمطار
- شاهد أهداف مباراة مصر و تنزانيا
- مشاهدة مباراة مصر وتنزانيا 5/1/2011 بث مباشر دورة حوض النيل
- صور مباراة مصر وتنزانيا 5/1/2011
- ميعاد مباراة مصر وتنزانيا 5/1/2011
- اخبار ياسر القحطاني أفضل هداف للأخضر السعودي
- اخبار الاهلى فى الصحف اليوم 4/1/2011
- احدث اخبار الاهلى والزمالك فى الصحف 4/1/2011
- عاجل احدث اخبار عن إيقاف شيكابالا و إبراهيم حسن
- مشاهدة فيديو مباشر تعليق ابراهيم حسن على عقوبتة 4/1/2011
- جدول الدور الثانى فى الدورى المصرى 2011
- احمد بلال يوقع للزمالك
- شيكابالا ينضم لمعسكر المنتخب
- مشاهدة مباراة تشيلسي واستون فيلا في الدوري الانجليزي 2/1/2011
- اخبار الاهلى فى الصحف المصرية اليوم 2/1/2011
- احدث أخبار الزمالك و الأهلي اليوم 2/1/2011
- جدول مباريات دورة حوض النيل
- احدث واخر اخبار الاهلى فى الصحف 1/1/2011
- احدث واخر اخبار الزمالك فى الصحف 1/1/2011
- احدث واخر اخبار الاهلى والزمالك فى الصحف فى مصر
- احدث واخر اخبار عن الألماني باكلسدروف مديراً فنياً للأهلى
- ترتيب فرق الدوري المصري اليوم
- مباراة الاهلى و الزمالك بث مباشر 30/12/2010
وظائف خالية
- وظائف أهرام الجمعه 7/1/2011
- أعلانات وظائف أهرام الجمعه 7/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى شركه سمارت للطيران 7/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى المعهد العالى للهندسه الاليكترونيه 7/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى نادى الجزيره الرياضى 7/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى الخليج 5/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى السعودية 5/1/2011
- وظائف خالية وفرص عمل فى مصر 5/1/2011
- وظائف خالية و فرص عمل صيادلة تمريض أطباء أسنان 5/1/2011
- وظائف جريدة الخليج الإماراتية 31/12/2010
- وظائف أهرام الجمعه 31/12/2010
- المجموعه الخامسة من وظائف أهرام الجمعه 31/12/2010
- المجموعه السادسة من وظائف أهرام الجمعه 31/12/2010
- وظائف أهرام الجمعه 31/12/2010
- المجموعه الخامسة من وظائف أهرام الجمعه 31/12/2010
سعر الذهب والدولار اليوم
- سعر الذهب فى مصر 7/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 7/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 7/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 6/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى الامارات 6/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 6/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى مصر 6/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 6/1/2011
- سعر الحديد في مصر 6/1/2011
- سعر الأسمنت في مصر 6/1/2011
- سعر الذهب في الإمارات 6/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 5/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى ليبيا 5/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى الامارات 5/1/2011
- سعر الحديد في مصر 5/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 5/1/2011
- سعر الذهب في مصر 5/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى الاردن 5/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى ليبيا 5/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 5/1/2011
- سعر حديد عز في مصر 4/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 4/1/2011
- سعر الذهب في مصر 4/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 4/1/2011
- سعر الذهب في السعودية 4/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 3/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى مصر 3/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 3/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 3/1/2011
- عروض سبينس اليوم 1/1/2011 الى 13/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 2/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 2/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 2/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى مصر 2/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى الامارات 1/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية 1/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية 1/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى مصر 1/1/2011
- سعر الدولار فى مصر 1/1/2011
- سعر اليورو فى مصر 1/1/2011
- سعر الذهب فى مصر اليوم 31/12/2010
- سعر الدولار فى مصر اليوم 31/12/2010
- سعر الذهب فى السعودية اليوم 31/12/2010
- سعر الدولار فى السعودية اليوم 31/12/2010
- سعر حديد عز فى مصر اليوم 31/12/2010
- سعر الأسمنت اليوم في مصر 31/12/2010
- سعر الذهب اليوم فى الامارات 30/12/2010
- سعر الدولار واليورو اليوم فى الامارات 30/12/2010
- سعر الدولار واليورو اليوم فى مصر 30/12/2010
- سعر الدولار واليورو اليوم فى السعودية 30/12/2010
- سعر الذهب اليوم فى السعودية 30/12/2010
- سعر الذهب فى مصر اليوم 30/12/2010
- سعر الدولار واليورو اليوم فى السعودية 29/12/2010
- سعر الذهب اليوم فى السعودية 29/12/2010
- سعر الذهب فى مصر اليوم 29/12/2010
- سعر الدولار واليورو اليوم فى مصر 29/12/2010
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
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May 30, 2007 ... People have been eager to know what this palatial building will look ... Called 'Antilia' it will stretch to about 173.12 meters high with ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Bava songs download, Free mp3 of Siddharth Baava telugu movie ...
2 hours ago
This post is an aggregated version from our selected websites, the website has published information regarding Bava songs download, Free mp3 of Siddharth Baava telugu movie … and the summary of this post is here. ...
Bava Songs Download: Siddharths Bava mp3 Songs free Download, bava ...
10 hours ago
Bava Songs Download or Siddharths Bava mp3 Songs free Download will be released tomarrow on oct 15, 2010 and the Latest Updates News The music of Siddharth's latest movie Bava will be released on the 6th October. The Bava music has been ...
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Bava Movie Songs Download
Oct 14, 2010 ... Bava Movie Songs Download, Bava Songs Download or Siddharths Bava mp3 Songs free Download will be released tomarrow on oct 15, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Bava Songs Download | ANewsHit.Com
Oct 13, 2010 ... Bava Songs Download: Latest Updates News The music of Siddharth's latest movie Bava will be released on the 6th October. The… » ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Bava Songs Download - apknews.com - Yahoo! Buzz
Bava Songs Download: Latest Updates News The music of Siddharth's latest movie Bava will be released on the 6th October. The music has been composed by ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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ole miss mascot | ole miss mascot | ole miss mascot |
The University of Mississippi now has a new mascot and this is a Rebel Black Bear, replacing Colonel Reb who was removed from the sidelines because he was too reminiscent of the Old South.
The announcement came Thursday after a campus-wide vote in February and months of polling.
The final three choices were a land shark, a bear and the personification of the school cheer "Hotty Toddy." The bear received 62 percent of the vote in the final poll.
ole miss mascot | ole miss mascot | ole miss mascot |
verizon, verizon wireless, verizonwireless, verizon phones, my verizon
The news follows published reports that Verizon Wireless will start selling a version of the iPhone early next year. The companies have not confirmed the reports, and Verizon Wireless has downplayed the possibility of an iPhone for its current network.
AT&T Inc. is Apple's exclusive U.S. carrier for the iPhone. It's also the only U.S. carrier that's compatible with the "3G" version of the iPad, which allows for cellular data access.
Verizon Wireless won't sell the 3G version. Instead, it will sell the Wi-Fi version, with the option of bundling it with a "MiFi" gadget for about $130. MiFi, a Post-It-pad sized, battery-powered device, connects to Verizon's 3G network and relays the data to the iPad via Wi-Fi. Data plans will start at $20 per month for 1 gigabyte.
The iPad is also sold by several retail chains, including Best Buy Inc. AT&T said separately Thursday that will also begin selling the iPad in its stores on Oct. 28. The carrier's data plans for the iPad start at $15 per month.
verizon, verizon wireless, verizonwireless, verizon phones, my verizonIPad Coming to Verizon Wireless | Verizon Wireless
The announcement is the latest sign that the relationship among Apple and Verizon is warming up. Verizon is expected to start advertising Apple’s iPhone early up coming year.
Verizon will not be advertising 3G variants of the iPad, which function more than a cell data network. rather it will sell bundles that consist of the iPad’s WiFi versions and its personal MiFi cellular hotspot device, which basically allows users to connect to the internet in any spot that has 3G service. The bundles will price $630 for any 16-gigabyte model, $730 for any 32-gigabyte model and $830 for any 64 gigabytes. Verizon will provide a monthly $20 entry strategy to apple ipad customers for up to 1 gigabyte of data. In addition, Verizon will provide all three apple ipad versions over a standalone basis.
“We’re thrilled to be functioning with Verizon Wireless to get apple ipad into the arms of even much more customers this holiday season,” Tim Cook, Apple’s chief working officer, stated in a press release.
John Stratton, chief working officer for Verizon Wireless, said: “iPad together using the nation’s largest and most reliable 3G data system allows customers to easily connect on the go wherever they are.”
yonni barrios, marta salinas, susana valenzuela, miners rescue, miners
Yonni Barrios was among the 33 miners trapped underground. He famously asked equally his spouse and girlfriend to satisfy him around the day of his rescue, proving that spending an extended period of time of your time underground can make you crazy. Or maybe he was just loony to begin with?

“He is possibly very cheeky or very idiotic,” a resource within the rescue team mentioned about Yonni’s now infamous request.
However, he may not be the only miner who had complicated household challenges waiting above the surface. in accordance with reports, one more Barrios – Carlos – “has a five-year-old boy using a woman he has not divorced and his girlfriend of 7 months is pregnant.”
While however one more miner is mentioned to have four girls claiming his affections –“a spouse he has not however divorced, his present live-in girlfriend, a third woman who claims to have had his boy and one more who says she is possessing an affair with him.”
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Armen Kazarian | Armen Kazarian | Armen Kazarian |
nfl week 6 predictions | nfl power rankings week 6 | nfl picks week 6

The Niners (0-4) lost another to Philadelphia 24-27, at home. QB Alex Smith completed 25 of 39 passes for 309 yards with three TD’s, but two interceptions. RB Frank Gore had 18 carries for any lower 52 yards, but 21 receiving yards using a TD, and WR Michael Crabtree created nine catches for 105 yards using a TD. WR Vernon Davis added a TD. QB Alex Smith is struggling as well as the Niners maintain providing him chances. 6 years into their quarterback's career, the 49ers still think he's going to sprout Hall of Fame credentials. He’s already winless one-third of the way through the season with little wish of the division title. He threw his league-high ninth interception of the season against the Eagles which cost them the game.The Niners offense is ranked 22nd overall (311ypg) with the league’s 11th ranked pass game (233ypg) however the league’s next worst ranked operating game (77.8ypg). They rating the 31st least points per-game (15.2ppg). They’ll be up against the Raiders 24th ranked defense (345ypg), their 10th ranked pass rush (198ypg) as well as the next worst ranked rush defense (147ypg). The Raiders stop trying the third most quantity of points per-game (26.8ppg). When Frank Gore has at the least 172 yards from scrimmage, the 49ers are 8-0.
Recent Trends to Consider:
49ers are 7-1-3 ATS in their final 11 games following a ATS loss.
49ers are 10-2-1 ATS in their final 13 games right after accumulating much less than 90 yards rushing in their earlier game.
49ers are 5-1 ATS in their final 6 games right after accumulating more than 250 yards passing in their earlier game.
49ers are 4-1-1 ATS in their final 6 house games.
Raiders are 5-16 ATS in their final 21 games following a ATS win.
Raiders are 1-4 ATS in their final 5 games right after scoring more than 30 points in their earlier game.
Raiders are 1-6 ATS in their final seven games following a S.U. win.
Under is 4-1 in 49ers final 5 games as a favorite of 3.5-10.0.
Oakland Raiders vs San Francisco 49ers
When: Sun, Oct 17, 4:05 PM ET
Pick: Raiders +6.5
Point-Spreads.com NFL week 6 Picks about the Oakland Raiders vs San Francisco 49ers Betting Odds
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Toyota RAV4 | Toyota RAV4 | Toyota RAV4 |
Paris & Nicky Hilton | Paris & Nicky Hilton | Paris & Nicky Hilton |
Paris & Nicky Hilton | Paris & Nicky Hilton | Paris & Nicky Hilton |
Katherine Heigl | Katherine Heigl | Katherine Heigl |
Katherine Heigl | Katherine Heigl | Katherine Heigl |
Gisele Bundchen | Gisele Bundchen | Gisele Bundchen |
Gisele toma o lugar de Ana Beatriz Barros, Caroline Ribeiro, Isabeli Fontana que, fizeram recentemente campanha para C&A. Enfim, depois de tantas modelos e famosas criando peças para a marca, vamos aguardar por mais essa
Gisele Bundchen | Gisele Bundchen | Gisele Bundchen |
ufo over manhattan | ufo over manhattan |
Dozens of people were stopped in the middle of the sidewalks of the Chelsea neighborhood on Manhattan's West Side, looking up in the sky.
One speculated it was a balloon, another joked that it was Superman or Superwoman, and yet another wondered whether whatever it was was simply "looking for the mother ship!"
The city says its 311 help line got dozens of calls about the object.
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- Oct 14, 2010
- 38 minutes ago
By utilizing a number of features such as access to friends and connecting Xbox Live to other users,” he added. Kevin also added that the plan is merely the ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
AT&T U-verse coming to Xbox 360 this week
- Oct 13, 2010
- 17 hours ago
AT&T announced that they are bringing their U-verse TV service to Xbox 360 this week on October 15th. With the U-verse service you can watch, ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Former LucasArts execs start Fearless Studios
USA Today
- Oct 14, 2010
- 15 minutes ago
... we actually have a handful that we think would probably be better suited for like, the iPhone or even Xbox Live Arcade or the PlayStation Network. ...
Related Articles »
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Sonic 4, Dead Space Ignition now on Xbox LIVE Arcade
- Oct 13, 2010
- 17 hours ago
Two games were unexpectedly added to Xbox LIVE's Games Feast for this week and it is a good thing too as the game originally scheduled, Pinball FX 2, ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Blog posts
Xbox Live Arcade today: Sonic 4 (Video) | US Post Today.
1 hour ago
Xbox Live Arcade today: Sonic 4, Dead Space Ignition and Alan Wake: The Writer. The sequel fans have waited 16 years for is finally here: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I! Featuring enhanced gameplay elements including the classic Sonic ...
Xbox Live for Windows Phone 7: your Xbox isn't in your phone yet ...
Oct 11, 2010
We just spent some serious, and we mean serious time with Xbox Live for Windows Phone 7. Just like your Xbox, this is sort of.
On Xbox Live Arcade today: Sonic 4, Dead Space Ignition and Alan ...
10 hours ago
Also available today is EA's Dead Space Ignition on Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360. Dead Space Ignition will be available worldwide for 400 Microsoft Points (that's US$5 / €4.80 / £3.40 / CAN$6.20 / AU$6.60). ...
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Web results
Xbox.com | Xbox LIVE
Xbox LIVE is the Ultimate Broadband Gaming Experience that lets you play multiplayer Xbox games live using broadband Internet access (cable or DSL).
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Xbox.com | Home
Get news updates; game trailers, screens, previews, and strategy; hardware information; community buzz; the latest Xbox LIVE and My Xbox coverage; forums; ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Xbox Live - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Xbox Live (trademarked as Xbox LIVE) is an online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service created and operated by Microsoft Corporation. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Xbox LIVE Marketplace | Marketplace on the Web
You can manage the downloads for your console with Marketplace on the Web. This feature lets you search, browse, and purchase games and videos while you are ...
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midway usa and your midway usa

Left 4 Dead and Portal are just recent examples of a company that prides itself on crafting intelligent and witty games. But this 1996 founded company goes even deeper than that, with the Half-Life series being its pride and joy, and the free Counter-Strike -- which, as my friend once put it, provided the most fun per cost ratio ever -- solidified the deal. Whenever a Valve release comes out, you just know it’s going to be something special.

SNK has ALWAYS been too hardcore for you, and you know it. Mostly known for its King of Fighters series, this company also made the hardcore swoon with titles like Bust-a-Move, Metal Slug, and King of Monsters (C’mon, you know you love it). And what always sweetend the deal was that anytime you went to an SNK cabinet in the arcade, you knew you usually had up to four awesome games to choose from. And what other arcade cabinet could give you that? None! That’s how many.

The company that made beating up hookers and taking their “lunch” money with Grand Theft Auto has a lot of other great titles to choose from in their highly eclectic selection.The Warriors, based on the movie, was a greatly under-looked brawler, and the Midnight Club series, love it or loathe it, has definitely added something to the illegal street racing genre, whether you like it or not. And let’s not forget Table Tennis, of course. (But let’s DO forget State of Emergency, please. That game was horrible). Seriously, with Rock Star, you’re usually guaranteed some kind of promised greatness or interactive originality.

Okay, while I DID mention that consistency was important with any great game company, I didn’t mean it had to be a company that was STILL making consistently great games. But back in the 90s (The entire decade, really) Sega was pumping out hits like nobody’s (except Nintendo’s) business, never taking a single moment to wipe off its brow with the back of its arm. Sonic the Hedgehog ushered in the Genesis generation, but the company was making great hits way before that, with the Sega Master System. And quite frankly, even with the stumbling Saturn, they STILL made great hits all the way up to the Sega Dreamcast in 2001. Sega now makes games for other companies, and while most of those games leave much to be desired (Sonic anything, 2001 to present), they’re still able to churn out a hit once every blue hedgehog colored moon.

Here’s another stellar company that’s seen its heyday come and go. Back in the mid 90s, you couldn’t go to an arcade and not find a Midway game somewhere totally packed with unctuous, smelly gamers. I mean, come on, the company had everything going for it in every genre. You had your light gun shooters (Area 51), your off the wall sports games (NBA Jam), your fighters (Mortal Kombat 1-4), and even your racers (Cruis’n USA). Anybody who disagrees with this entry on the top ten best video game companies of all time is either too young to have ever gone to an arcade, or is a liar. Which one do you happen to be? Be honest…

When Square teamed up with Enix, it was big news…In Japan, at least. And this was because it meant the cohesion of the house of Final Fantasy, and the house of Dragon Quest (Or, Dragon Warrior, as most Americans first heard of it as). While the joint company does have its faults sometimes (Releasing all those FF’s as single releases for the DS is a cheap trick, Square!), they’re usually on the ball with their releases, usually putting out a <="" i="">for every slightly boring Infinite Undiscovery that goes out on store shelves. And lest we forget all those classic Dragon Warriors and Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross games? I think not. Those titles alone get this company a pretty high spot on the list.

Namco goes way back, probably much further back than you even realize. Dig Dug andPole Position? Yeah, those were Namco. How about Galaga and Pac-Man? Yep, those were Namco, too. How about Splatterhouse, for God’s sake?! The first official game to EVER get a Parental advisory warning (of sorts)! Yeah, that was Namco, too. You see, this is what I’m talking about when I ramble on about consistency, as Namco is STILL pumping out hits, with Tekken, Soulcalibur and Time Crisis just being a few of their most recent offerings. You can count on this company…I’d say 80 percent of the time. And I don’t know about you, but I like those odds!

While some may say that Konami reached its peak with the Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis era (Super Contra, Super Castlevania, and, erm, Sunset Riders all came out around this period), anybody with an eighth of a brain can tell you that Konami has gone on to do other great things, with Metal Gear Solid 4 just being one such example. While I will admit that I’m not a huge fan of the Dance Dance Revolution phenomenon, which doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon, I can say that I’m still a huge fan of the DSCastlevania’s and also every new Silent Hill entry that happens to be released on store shelves. But let’s not beat around the bush. This is one company that knows how to totally milk its franchises for all their worth. But not, of course, as much as this next company.

Okay, do I even have to mention the titles created by this brilliant company? Mario, Link, Metroid, Smash Brothers, Pikmin, Wii Fit, the list goes on and on, and most of them are from the genius mind of Shigeru Miyamoto, who had the foresight to know that both Mario and Link could become household names with just the right sprinkling of ideas and adventure to back them up. Nintendo is by far the only company on this list that could probably just sell games on name alone, and it does, by the buttloads too. But therein lies one of Nintendo’s greatest problems. If not for the recent behemoth that is the Wii, Nintendo, in many ways, would probably be overshadowed by their spotty track record when it comes to making consoles. Besides the original NES, the SNES, and the timeless Gameboy franchise, I’d say that the Big N has missed out more times than it’s struck gold.
Nintendo 64 had only a few good titles, and almost all of them were first party releases. The same goes for the Gamecube, which was yet another cruel joke to most Nintendo fans who were looking for an answer against the dominating PS2, and second place, Xbox. And the Virtual Boy? Don’t even get me started on that piece of garbage. In the long run, being such an amazing first party publisher has made it clear just how limited their consoles really are, as no real company can truly utilize its capabilities except Nintendo itself. Luckily for us, that’s usually enough. But that still keeps it away from being the number one game developer of all time, which is…

While Nintendo’s pretty much innovated the field of video games forever, no company has been as consistently genre-defining as Capcom, which has pretty much made a great game in every single iteration of video game history imagineable, fighting games just being their particular forte.
When the original NES was around, they were adapting Disney movies into games with astounding grace and skill. When the arcade boomed, they made Street Fighter II, which changed the arcade forever. Heck, they even make great Nintendo tentpole games, like the marvelous The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons for the Gameboy, which are two of my favorite games in the entire series. Nintendo may have made a bigger impact on gaming forever, but Capcom probably made a more impressive imprint, what with not having to bow its head in shame from three unsuccessful consoles, that is. Bar none, Capcom is the greatest video game company that has ever existed. Can I get an amen, people? Wait, screw all that. Can I get a Ha-dou-ken, people? I think that’s be more appropriate, don’t you?
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- Oct 08, 2010
- Oct 08, 2010
Controls on dock itself are difficult to read. Remote lacks full iPod navigation, and doesn't work consistently. A design achievement first and a quality ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Chilean miners rescue – live coverage
The Guardian (blog)
- Oct 13, 2010
- Oct 13, 2010
12.46pm (8.46am Chile): The New York Times has this piece about the psychological aftermath for the miners: After being swept up in a natural disaster like ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Our Lady of the Lake Boosts Efficiencies With Awarepoint's RTLS
RFID Journal
- Oct 11, 2010
- Oct 11, 2010
The medical center had 600 IV pumps in its facility, but they were still difficult to locate on an immediate basis. To address this problem, OLOL installed ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Meat-pocalypse now
- Oct 11, 2010
- Oct 11, 2010
I didn't read the other comments beforehand and someone had a pretty similar thought.. so here's a new one: can the vegetarian crowd cut the crap and stop ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Online One Piece Manga Chapters 600 Spoilers
4 hours ago
Get the 「ワンピース ネタバレ」 ONE PIECE 600 spoiler and summaries. You can also read previous ONE PIECE 599 manga spoiler. Please leave a comment below if you would like to discuss the spoilers or have any predictions. ...
Manga Spoiler | Naruto - One Piece - Bleach Latest Posts / Blog ...
Dec 22, 2009
We will be waiting for this and will inform you as soon as one piece 600 manga is available. While we are counting the days that will pass for the one piece 600 to come out, what about reading the previous chapter of One Piece. when does ... Good news to all one piece manga fans. one piece 599 confirmed spoilers is out! One Piece Chapter 599: The Nine Pirates Click One Piece 599 raw scans below to read one piece 599 manga. Sanji asks the fisherman to sell him fish cheap ...
ONE PIECE 600 One piece 600 English « Naruto Spoilers | Manga
Oct 12, 2010
One Piece 600, One Piece 600 English, One Piece 600 Read Online, One Piece 600 Download, One Piece 600 Confirmed Spoilers, One Piece 600 Manga, One Piece Chapter 600, One Piece 600 Mangastream, One Piece 600 Mangahelpers ...
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Manga Spoiler - Bleach 424, One Piece 600, Naruto 513 Spoilers
Get the latest 「ワンピース ネタバレ」 ONE PIECE 600 spoiler pics and summaries at MangaSpoiler.com. You can also read previous ONE PIECE 599 manga spoiler. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Naruto 513 | One Piece 600 | Bleach 424
Please come back tomorrow to download the most awaited One Piece manga only at My Naruto Blog. Continue reading One Piece 600 confirmed spoilers below: Read ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Naruto 513, One piece 600, Bleach 424 Spoiler Manga Chapter ...
Oct 14, 2010 ... 「ワ ンピース」 ONE PIECE 第600話, entitled “The Island of Restarting”. strawhat pirates reunion!! You can also read previous ONE PIECE 599 ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Naruto 513 One Piece 600 and Bleach 424 : Manga Spoilers
Oct 13, 2010 ... Here is the Naruto 513 confirmed One piece 600 spoilers, ... Read Naruto 513 confirmed spoilers right below, naruto manga 513 and naruto ...
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quartier de nyc, rivaux des sharks
clipped from Google - 10/2010
JP makes return as Sharks ring changes
- Oct 14, 2010
- 2 hours ago
by Gavin Rich 14 October 2010, 13:17 World Cup winning Springbok wing JP Pietersen has made a surprise return to the Sharks team for Saturday's Absa Currie ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Collisions crucial to Newlands outcome
- Oct 14, 2010
- 4 hours ago
The stats confirm that WP overpowered the Sharks at the tackle last Saturday. Province weren't completely dominant, crossing the gain-line 70% of the time, ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Sharks top Valley Lutheran in thriller
The Morning Sun
- Oct 14, 2010
- 2 hours ago
Danielle Morris paced the Sharks (39-12-1, 5-0) with 22 kills, 11 digs, four aces, and four blocks. Hannah Austin chipped in with 11 kills and two aces, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Blog posts
sharks | TrendyTwits
1 hour ago
SNP MEPs to Support Closing Loopholes in EU Shark 'Finning' BanDundeeSNP.orgSNP Members of the European Parliament are to support strengthening the EU.
Sharks off today and Sweden off limits tomorrow, so one last look ...
12 hours ago
The Sharks have the day off so nothing to report going forward. But since the team has declared that Europe is history and NOT to be discussed going forward.
SAN JOSE – The San Jose Sharks will kick off their first regular ...
17 hours ago
SAN JOSE – The San Jose Sharks will kick off their first regular season game against the Atlanta Thrashers with a pre-game street rally on Saturday, Oct. 16. The rally will be open to the public from 5-7 p.m. and will take place next to ...
More blog results »
Web results
The Official Web Site - San Jose Sharks
Founded in 1994, the Sharks Foundation strives to give back to the community that has so strongly supported the team. MORE INFORMATION › ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Shark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sharks (superorder Selachimorpha) are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Fun facts for kids, photos and printable activity worksheets. Suitable for Kindergarten through Grade 6.
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Zoom Sharks - Enchanted Learning Software
Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the dinosaurs existed. They live in waters all over the world, in every ocean, .
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The music video for Rihanna's song "Only Girl (In The World)" just leaked. The song is the first single for her upcoming album "LOUD" and it was produced by Stargate. The music video was directed by Anthony Mandler.
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cwg closing ceremony, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony timings, cwg closing ceremony schedule, cwg
CWG closing ceremony: Here's what they're closing - The Times of India
Oct 12, 2010 ... With over 60000 spectators expected to congregate at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium for the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
CWG: Army told it can't attend Closing Ceremony | NDTV.com
Oct 12, 2010 ... But now, they've been told the closing ceremony is off-limits. ... Day of the 19th Commonwealth Games and one last time Delhi cheers for all ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
CWG Closing Ceremony | Commonwealth Games 2010 | Commonwealth ...
Oct 14, 2010 ... Tags: closing ceremony, cwg closing, CWG Closing Ceremony, cwg closing ceremony time, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony ...
cwg closing ceremony, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony timings, cwg closing ceremony schedule, cwg
cwg closing ceremony, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony timings, cwg closing ceremony schedule, cwg
CWG closing ceremony: Here's what they're closing - The Times of India
Oct 12, 2010 ... With over 60000 spectators expected to congregate at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium for the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
CWG: Army told it can't attend Closing Ceremony | NDTV.com
Oct 12, 2010 ... But now, they've been told the closing ceremony is off-limits. ... Day of the 19th Commonwealth Games and one last time Delhi cheers for all ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
CWG Closing Ceremony | Commonwealth Games 2010 | Commonwealth ...
Oct 14, 2010 ... Tags: closing ceremony, cwg closing, CWG Closing Ceremony, cwg closing ceremony time, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony ...
cwg closing ceremony, cwg closing ceremony timing, cwg closing ceremony timings, cwg closing ceremony schedule, cwg
tommie smith , tommie smith images, pics
For others with a similar name, see Tommy Smith. Tommie Smith (born June 6, 1944 ) is an African American former track & field athlete and wide receiver in ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Tommie Smith, famous for black-gloved salute at 1968 Olympics ...
Oct 13, 2010 ... Tommie Smith is selling the gold medal he won at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, where his black-gloved salute on the podium shocked ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Tommie Smith
Tommie Smith, the seventh of his family's twelve children, was born in Clarksville, Texas on 12th June, 1944. His father was a sharecropper and as a child ...
katrina bowden and you katrina bowden
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Katrina Bowden's LIV Birthday Bash
- Oct 09, 2010
- Oct 09, 2010
Partaking in a belated birthday bash, Katrina Bowden partied the night away at LIV at The Fontainebleau in Miami, Florida on Friday night (October 8). ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Katrina Bowden, Joe Manganiello Goof Off at the Nintendo DSi Studio
Us Magazine
- Sep 17, 2010
- Sep 17, 2010
Katrina Bowden and Joe Manganiello attending the Nintendo DSi Studio at the Empire Hotel in NYC. -- Real Housewives of New York City stars Ramona Singer and ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Advice From T.I. Proves More Appealing Than Suicide
E! Online (blog)
- Oct 13, 2010
- 13 hours ago
Blog posts
Katrina Bowden – World's first internet television unveiling in NY ...
20 hours ago
Katrina Bowden - World's first internet television unveiling in NY 10-12-10 15 JPG | 2000x3000 | 7,26.
Love It Or Hate It: Katrina Bowden
Oct 5, 2009
What do you think of '30 Rock' star Katrina Bowden's evening look? She attended Lo Bosworth's party in Miami and worked the red carpet in this outfit. It's quite an ensemble from the dress to the headband to the understated purse and ...
The Roundup: Brett Favre Takes a Football to the Groin & Jenn ...
1 hour ago
Katrina Bowden, for 30 Rocks fans … male porn star tests positive for HIV … Why blogging still matters … are you reading Tony Dungy's blog? … yes, this does look like an awkward place … list you don't want your city on: “The First 10 ...
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Katrina Bowden - IMDb
Katrina Bowden at event of The Social Network Still of Katrina Bowden in 30 Rock Still of Tyler Labine and Katrina Bowden in Tucker & ...
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Katrina Bowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Katrina Bowden (born September 19, 1988) is an American actress. She is known for her short role as Britney Jennings on One Life to Live (2006) and for her ...
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Katrina Bowden Fan • the first Katrina Bowden fan site at http ...
The first and only fan site dedicated to actress Katrina Bowden featuring information, photos, media, news and more!
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Hollywoodtuna » Blog Archive » Katrina Bowden Bikini Pictures
I had a feeling that once I posted those earlier pictures of Katrina Bowden poolside, we'd get the bikini pictures right after. I should've just waited a ...
katrina bowden
katrina bowden
tommie smith and you tommie smith
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Tommie Smith and John Carlos affected history
USA Today
- Oct 14, 2010
- 2 hours ago
Smith and John Carlos set the world on its ear when they used the medal ceremony to protest America's racial issues. Immediately vilified for their actions, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Autopsy Shows Pettigrew Died From Drug Overdose
New York Times
- Oct 13, 2010
- 13 hours ago
¶Tommie Smith is selling the gold medal he won in the 200 meters at the 1968 Olympics, where his black-gloved salute on the podium led to his ban from the ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Watmough reveals Eagles' anguish over Stewart trial
Brisbane Times
- Oct 14, 2010
- 20 minutes ago
One of two US athletes famed for making a ''Black Power'' salute at 1968 Olympics, Tommie Smith, is selling the gold medal he won at Mexico City. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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tommie smith | TrendyTwits
2 hours ago
Tommie Smith and John Carlos affected historyUSA TodaySmith and John Carlos set the world on its ear when they used the medal ceremony to protest America's.
Tommie Smith Selling Gold Medal And Shoes, But Not The Black Glove ...
18 hours ago
Smith might have a bit of trouble getting his asking price of $250000 without the famous "Black Power" glove.
Tommie Smith Olympic Hero Is Selling His Gold Medal | News One
17 hours ago
Tommie Smith, who famously raised his fist as a symbol of Black power in the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City is selling his gold medal and sneakers he wore during the Olympics according to USA Today.
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Welcome to The New Tommie Smith.com
Preview Tommie Smith's Biography · 100 Black Men of the Bay Area · Remembering Peter Norman · "The Original Michael Johnson" · WikiPedia Entry ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Tommie Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For others with a similar name, see Tommy Smith. Tommie Smith (born June 6, 1944 ) is an African American former track & field athlete and wide receiver in ...
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Tommie Smith, famous for black-gloved salute at 1968 Olympics ...
Oct 13, 2010 ... Tommie Smith is selling the gold medal he won at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, where his black-gloved salute on the podium shocked ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Tommie Smith
mew choo wong , mew choo wong
- Oct 14, 2010
- 25 minutes ago
... in the Commonwealth Games after a gruelling three-game victory over Malaysian Mew Choo Wong in the badminton singles event in New Delhi on Thursday. ...
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clipped from Google - 10/2010
Commonwealth Games 2010: Bronze for Cann in Delhi
BBC News
- Oct 13, 2010
- 21 hours ago
Cann, who lost to Malaysia's Mew Choo Wong in the semi-finals, beat Egelstaff by 21-18 21-16. By winning bronze, Cann becomes the first Islander to pick up ...
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Re:Wish Saina Nehwal luck for her final match in Badminton women's singles ...
- Oct 14, 2010
- 4 hours ago
ur the one ni wish ur the one no body stop u but always think ur last n hav to achive something................ Saina is the best. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Commonwealth Games end with India triumph
- Oct 14, 2010
- 1 hour ago
... for the Indian hosts as poster girl Saina Nehwal saved a match point against Malaysia's Wong Mew Choo in winning the women's singles badminton title. ...
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Saina Nehwal Final Match in CWG 2010 won 38th CWG gold for India ...
2 hours ago
Saina Nehwal in CWG won 38th CWG gold for India by beating Malaysia's Mew Choo Wong in the women's singles final at the Commonwealth Games on Thursday. Saina Nehwal, who was in No. 3 Position has been occupied the position of No.
CWG Badminton: Saina Nehwal wins Gold for India | Bharat Chronicle
3 hours ago
New Delhi: World number three Saina Nehwal, in a hard-won match defeated Malaysia's Mew Choo Wong to win the Gold medal in the Women's singles Badminton final.
CWG badminton: Saina makes history, first Indian woman to win gold ...
3 hours ago
Saina Nehwal created history by becoming the first Indian woman to win the singles gold in badminton at the Commonwealth Games as she saved a match point to beat Malaysian Mew Choo Wong 19-21, 23-21, 21-13 in an edge-of-the-seat ...
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Wong Mew Choo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Wong. Wong Mew Choo (simplified Chinese: 黄妙珠; traditional Chinese: 黃妙珠; pinyin: Huáng Miàozhū; born May 1, ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Saina Nehwal Crush Mew Choo Wong MAS Delhi CWG - Sagar Media Inc ...
Oct 8, 2010 ... Saina Nehwal Crush Mew Choo Wong MAS Delhi CWG - Sagar Media Inc. Email Story · Add to Any · Facebook · Stumbleupon ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Friendster - MeW cHoO WoNg
MeW cHoO WoNg. Female, 27, In a Relationship, Petaling Jaya, ... hi...for those who doesn't know me...i am Wong Mew Choo...a national badminton player who ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Wong Mew Choo | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Wong Mew Choo. Join Facebook to start connecting with Wong Mew Choo.
ufo new york and ufo new york
Dots Period
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- 27 minutes ago
After the recent UFO sighting in China and inner Mongolia which prompted the halt of airline operations, a new UFO sighting, this time in New York, ...
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UFO Spotted Over New York City
Gearlog (blog)
- Oct 14, 2010
- 41 minutes ago
You see a lot of weird things living in New York City--honestly, it just sort of comes with the territory. That's not to say that New Yorkers are entirely ...
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New UFO – New York Calls Sheep Al rescate!
Everything PR
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- 15 hours ago
The conclusion of the big fussy apple (no pun intended) is that there was no UFO in New York last night. But we all know that this is just a big CIA ...
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UFOs Over NYC: Video
Ghost Theory
- Oct 13, 2010
- 17 hours ago
GhostTheory is seeing some traffic coming from all parts of the world of people searching for “UFOs over new york” or “October 13 UFO”. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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UFO New York: Strange UFO in the sky in Chelsea, New York 13 ...
2 hours ago
New Yorkers are certainly a savvy bunch, which is why it's surprising that there is a lot of chatter on Twitter right now about an alleged UFO sighting in the city. While there's been no documentation, it hasn't stopped thousands of ...
UFO New York - PHOTO » Tech Jackal
1 hour ago
The FAA has reviewed radar data from the time the object was sighted and said there was nothing in the area at that point, and that they had not been previously warned of the planned operation of a weather balloon. UFO New York - PHOTO ...
UFO New York | Fresh Archive
1 hour ago
UFO New York , shiny object flying high above the streets of New York City. People claimed to have seem the unusual sight Wednesday afternoon. Authorities say around 1:30 pm they received calls from many people who saw the object ...
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NYUFO Worldwide Ufo News Ufo Sighting Ufo Video
Oct 13, 2010 ... New York UFO seek's to find such an answer as to what is being sighted and where these strange UFOs originate. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
New York UFO Sighting? Mystery Object Provokes Rash Of Internet ...
Oct 13, 2010 ... New Yorkers are certainly a savvy bunch, which is why it's surprising that there is a lot of chatter on Twitter right now about an alleged ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
Mystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy
Oct 13, 2010 ... LocalMystery shiny objects floating over Manhattan spark UFO frenzy .... Get a famous photo of some of New York City's most iconic locations ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
YouTube - ufo
Feb 5, 2006 ... Added to queue UFO Over Moscow - New York Postby NYPostFeatured Video342648 views · 0:30. Add to. Added to queue UFO over Chinaby ...
boss s day 2010, bosses day, sweetest day 2010, national bosses day 2010
Isaac, Best Brother Out There. And Dad, A Real Sailor.
I love them all dearly and truly admire them for their ability to be masculine and yet compassionate, to pursue their passions, to enjoy life, and to kick butt at what they do. I believe real men know that there's more to their manliness than just testosterone and pride; it means loving unconditionally and letting go sometimes, too.
All of these sexy men know how to do just that.
Thanks for being awesome, guys. You are the kind of friends, husbands, brothers, and fathers that some people wish for, but I'm lucky enough to enjoy every day. I love you!
...Oh, and let me know when you want to come to yoga! I'd love to drag you into the heat for a real workout.
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While not quite as savage as their takedowns of Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise, last night's episode of "South Park" (titled "It's a Jersey Thing") pulled few ...
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Thanks for checking out our site—This site gives you all the most current south park jersey shore stories. If you want the most recent south park jersey ...
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"Family Guy" Remains No. 1 in the "kgb TV Standings" South Park Jersey Shore News
National News Break
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NationalNewsBreak.com gets all the south park jersey shore newsbrief from a ton of place around the internet – Check in every hour to find updates on south ...
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Experts match dog breeds with 'Jersey Shore' cast members
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Tonight, "South Park" airs an episode called "Jersey," in which the Shore region basically invades, and annexes, all US territory east of the Rockies. ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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south park jersey shore | TrendyTwits
7 hours ago
Burger King's Foray Into Pillow Cases is Strange -- But Is the Commercial ...Village Voice (blog)Well, the new South Park episode last evening featuring.
'South Park's' 'Jersey Shore' parody -- what did you think? - From ...
8 hours ago
What did you think of the “Jersey Shore” episode of “South Park”?
South Park Episodic – The Jersey Shore | US Post Today.
8 hours ago
New Jersey is taking over the nation state-by-state, and it seems that the residents of South Park are next, according to a press release from Comedy Central.“As the Jerseyites spill into Colorado and approach South Park, Randy and the ...
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South Park Season 14: 'Jersey Shore'? 'Alice in Wonderland'? Lady ...
Mar 15, 2010 ... Season 14 of South Park is about to start. So what celebrities will see skewered ? The cast of 'Jersey Shore'? Maybe Lady Gaga?
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NO! I WON'T LIVE IN JERSEY!! (Season 14, Episode 9) - Video Clips ...
The citizens of South Park make a final stand against New Jersey. .... South Park: It's a Jersey Thing Episode Air Date: 10.13.2010 Everything east of the ...
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'South Park's' 'Jersey Shore' parody -- what did you think? - From ...
Oct 14, 2010 ... What did you think of the “Jersey Shore” episode of “South Park”?
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South Park Beats Back Jersey Shore's Tired Hordes | Underwire ...
Oct 13, 2010 ... MTV's Jersey Shore is everything that is wrong with reality and television. The merciless satirists of South Park accept this truth, ...
dasara, vijayadashami, dasara sms, dasara wishes
Paradise for gastronomes
Express Buzz
- Oct 11, 2010
- Oct 11, 2010
MYSORE: Cynics may dispute the success of certain events staged during Dasara-2010, however, such has been the public response to the Dasara Food Mela that ...
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Indian Rupee symbol enjoys Unicode Standard
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Yet one more reason for the Indians to celebrate along with Delhi Commonwealth medals and Dasara celebrations. The new Indian Rupee symbol became official ...
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Mysore all decked up for 400th Dasara celebrations
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... the city of palaces is set for a very special and rather historic Dasara celebrations as 2010 marks 400th anniversary of the long standing tradition. ...
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Dussehra Festival: The Victory of Good over Evil
Ganpati News
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- Oct 13, 2010
The Dussehra 2010 will fall on the 17 of this month which result in the conclusion on the ongoing Hindu pious days of Navratri. Traditionally it is believed ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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Dussehra (Dasara) 2010 | Hindu Festival | Things to do in India ...
Oct 11, 2010
From decorated elephants to delectable cuisine, Dussehra (Dasara) Festival offers up a banquet of Indian cultural delights. We've sourced the best that Mysore has to offer.
Dussehra festival importance | Dasara Celebrations in India ...
9 hours ago
Tagged with: Dasara, Dasara celebrations, Dasara Celebrations in India, Dasara importance, Dasara in various parts, Dussehra 2010, Dussehra celebrations, Dussehra dates, Dussehra festival, Dussehra festival importance, Dussehra festival ...
Mysore Dasara 2010 – 400th Year Dasara celebrations in Mysore
Oct 4, 2010
Related Posts:Navaratri 2010 in Mysore Chamundeshwari TempleDasara or Dussehra - Final day of Durga NavratriVijayadasami 2010 - Vijaya Dasami date in 2010Dasara 2010 – Dussehra 2010Vijaya Dashami 2010 – Vijayadashami date in 2010Last ...
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Dasara 2010 – Dussehra 2010
Related Posts:Simollanghan – Dasara ritual in MaharashtraVijayadasami 2010 - Vijaya Dasami date in 2010Vijaya Dashami 2010 – Vijayadashami date in 2010Durga ...
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When is Dussehra in 2010? - When-Is.com
Dussehra in 2010 is on Sunday, the 17th of October. When is Dussehra in 2006 ... Send Flowers to your loved ones for Dussehra! Other Hindu Holidays in 2010: ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
When is Dussehra? - When-Is.com
When is Dussehra in 2009? When is Dussehra in 2010? ... The festival of ...
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Holidays: Dussehra in India
Dussehra 2010. Sunday, October 17, 2010. Note: During a gazetted holiday, government offices and most businesses are closed so people have a day off work. ...
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uptu result, gbtu, uptu 2010 result
Eminent Column (blog)
- Oct 14, 2010
- 1 hour ago
First Year Special Carry Over Result 2009-10. These results can be checked on the official website of UPTU on http://www.uptu.ac.in/ Direct Link towards ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
GBTU Provisional Registration in PhD Programmes 2010
Higher Education In India (press release)
- Sep 26, 2010
- Sep 26, 2010
The list of selected candidates available at the official link: http://www.uptu.ac.in/provisional_registration_phd.pdf. The admissions are done into the ...
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Orzecznictwo: Premia pieniężna – kolejny korzystny dla podatników wyrok
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... interpretacyjny uwzględni przedstawioną wyżej przez Sąd interpretację przepisu art. 8 ust. 1 uptu Wyrok WSA w Białymstoku I SA/Bk 302/10 – z 25.08.2010 r.
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WSA: Wydanych nagród nie trzeba ewidencjonować w kasie fiskalnej
- Oct 06, 2010
- Oct 06, 2010
535 ze zm., w skrócie: uptu), w wyniku dokonania wadliwej interpretacji treści tego przepisu iw konsekwencji błędnego uznania, że w okolicznościach ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
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UPTU Result 2010 | GBTU Result 2010 | UPTU Ph.D Admission ...
3 hours ago
uptu, uptu 2010 result, uptu result, gbtu result, gbtu, uptu ph.d entrance exam result, ph.d entrance exam result of uptu, uptu phd result 2010, uptu ph.d admission result 2010, gbtu ph.d admission result 2010, gbtu ph.d admission 2010 ...
UPTU Result 2010 for B.Tech – GBTU Result 2010 | Engineering ...
2 hours ago
UPTU Result 2010 for B.Tech First Year Special Carry Over or GBTU Result 2010 of UPTU Ph.D Admission Provisional Selected Candidates List 2010 has been published by Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow, India formally know as ...
UPTU Result 2010 for Ph.D Admission 2010; Check List Here | Daily ...
2 hours ago
Uttar Pradesh (DLN): UPTU result for Ph.D Admission 2010 has been announced by Gautam Buddh Technical University (GBTU). GBTU result can be checked here.
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GBTU - Welcome's You
SEE-2010-Counseling Letter (The above link shall take you to a page outside the http://uptu.nic.in). SEE-UPTU-2010 RESULTS. (Site- http://upresults.nic.in) ...
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Odd Semester Examination Results 2009-10 - Gautam Buddh Technical ...
Dec 11, 2009 ... Result of Challenge Evaluation : Odd Semester 2009 .... 29-03-2010. 22-06-10(08) . BHMCT First Year Carry Over. 29-03-2010. 03-06-10(01) ...
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About UPTU
Fee Structure of different Institutions · Result : Exam. Held in March 2010 (Old Syllabus) · UPTU Academic Excellence Award 2009. List of Awardees ...
clipped from Google - 10/2010
UPTU Counselling 2010, UPTU Colleges, UPTU 2010, SEE UPTU, UPTU ...
After SEE UPTU 2010 examinations for admissions in UPTU Colleges according to SEE ... UPTU Results. UPTU 2nd Semester Results · UPTU 6th Semester Result ...
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35 seconds ago
thompmacken: Troubled games set to end with closing ceremony (AP): AP - Competition at one of the most troubled Commonwealth Games ended Thurs...
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SportsGamesNews: Troubled games set to end with closing ceremony (AP): AP - Competition at one of the most troubled Commonwealth Ga... bit.ly/bGMhpI
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51 seconds ago
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Sports - CBC.ca - cbc.ca
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55 seconds ago
Bindra_Abhinav: Watch CWG Closing Ceremony Live Commonwealth Games 2010 t.co/EDp98VY
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1 minute ago
sportssuite: CWG Closing Ceremony: LIVE: The closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games has kicked off at the Jawaharlal Nehru ...
CWG Closing Ceremony: LIVE | ESPNSTAR.com - espnstar.com
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1 minute ago
SSangeet: india allready prove what it is by opening ceremony cwg & now it shows world how to do closing ceremony....commonwealthgames
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1 minute ago
Bindra_Abhinav: Watch Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony Live t.co/EDp98VY
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1 minute ago
summergraffiti: watching the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games 2010
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Tamanna Spicy In Saree News

Jackie Kannada Movie Review | Photos | Gallery
Music: V Harikrishna
Puneeth Rajkumar, the super power star of Kannada cinema, the power in him continues. ‘Jackie’ is a package of fabulous action, dance and dialogue delivery in this film is very close to the heart. In the technical department too, ‘Jackie’ is much higher in the scale.
There are some new elements tried out in ‘Jackie’ that is new to the Dr Rajkumar family’s production and technical superiority, the film gives a fine placement for awards. For Puneeth Rajkumar the awards should come from various places for performing a tough role with agility. The people of high class society also lap up this ‘Jackie’ for grandeur and dexterous screenplay.
The pukka family entertainer elements with magnificent songs and exceedingly good cinematography, the technical knowledge poured profusely in to this cinema makes it a treat to watch.
The biggest one from Poornima Enterprises, the producers, is an impeccable cinema because of the narration and very lively performances. The glory in songs, the accuracy in screenplay, and crispness in editing, capturing the natural places and remaining very near to the masses, director Soori once again shows what kind of films fit in the box office.
Jackie (Puneeth Rajakumar) is a jovial youngster and he takes up real estate job to achieve dream of owning Rs.1 lakh one day to clear of all his debts. The hot headed guy is cool in his outlook. Jackie’s intervention in the love affair of an Archak’s daughter Yashoda (who calls Jackie as brother) brings him a responsibility. That is when Yashoda runs away with a blind girl of the village and her lover who runs a photo studio.
The Archak blames Jackie and begs his mother to trace out his daughter so that his prestige is in tact. Jackie promises his mother (played by Sumithramma – not dubbed her voice) and is on a hunt. By this time his friend also reaches the villages and he has escaped in the middle of his punishment. The constable chasing this culprit is run over by a vehicle creates all sorts of problems. Jackie friend is shot down by the police and from here Jackie escapes to the dense forest. In the forest he finds the innocent Lakshmi (Bhavana) is brought to kill her as a sacrifice. Jackie attacks the superstitious believers and he runs away to a far off place escaping the eyes of the local police. Jackie and Lakshmi get to know each other by this time but Lakshmi goes missing in the journey when Jackie is asleep. The vehicle of Jackie moves and the link of his lover is cut yet joins when Jackie is in Bangalore limits. Jackie is very apprehensive about police by this time and he happens to get a place to sleep atop a police station. Constable Bheemanna (Rangayana Raghu) slowly knows Jacike is a good at heart when the blind girl of Jackie village is traced dead.
Jackie goes on doing good job and police take the credit for it. Jackie faces Julie (Petrol Prasanna) who has clue about Mithai Rama (Ravi Kaale). The dreaded Mithai Rama is transporting young girls in suspicious ways to abroad and Jackie is confident Yashoda is living here only. Jackie establishes contact with Mithai Rama and saves him from the police clutches. He earns the goodwill but it is hard to put down Mithai Rama. Instead of Jackie putting down Jackie himself is buried in an unidentified place. That is time for climax and release of innocent girls and police entry. The fear in Jackie with the police department now goes away.
Power star Puneeth is really the super power star. The speed of Puneeth, the strong dose of action at regular intervals to get the audience feel completely happy and the songs with peppy lines and unusual style of singing gives a complete supper to the audience.
It is double the paisa vasool cinema. The costumes selected for Puneeth Rajakumar, choreography and technical aspects are high in standards and the films so far of Puneeth Rajakumar did not had so much of strength in all areas of a film.
It is true that the songs are the invitation to any commercial cinema. With Jackie songs Yakka Raja Rani….Shiva Antha Hoguttide and Yadavattaithu….all of them in the similar tempo and modulation in singing is the first big earner of audience for this film. The lovely cinematography in which every shot looks like a painting is glorious treat to the eyes.
Satya Hegde’s cinematography has shown the entire film with natural and artificial feel. When the surroundings of Jackie and others are shown it is very natural to the eyes. There is great contribution from art director. In the songs Puneeth’s electrifying dancing ability is also mesmerizing. Yogaraj Bhat’s lyric writing that’s suitable to the masses has given a good gift to his best friend director Soori.
Bhavana has the cool feel when she comes on the screen and her portions are worth watching again. Ravi Kale, Sudhakar, Rangayana Raghu are exceptionally good in their portion. Shobaraj’s cool handling of a cop job is also different in this film.
Action directors Ravi Verma and Different Danny gets full credit for marvelous stunts that are handled by Puneeth Rajkumar by himself without any dupes. Four action portions are spine chilling.
It is a fabulous entertainer for the masses. Sure to be another feather in the cap of master of commercial films, super power star Puneeth Rajkumar.
Brindavanam Telugu Movie Review
Dil Raju, who was once a golden hand, tasted a few flops and finally resurrected with the most-awaited film of NTR, ‘Brindavanam’. Director Vamsi Paidipally was able to bring the dream of SS Rajamouli to come true. In fact it is Rajamouli, who wanted to showcase NTR’s talent and make him a family hero and ‘Brindavanam’ fulfilled his aspirations. Vamsi should be commended for striving hard in penning a tight screenplay coupled with a nice narration. He perfectly mixed the family drama with action scenes, to suit NTR’s image.
Krishna @ Krish (NTR) is the only son of a millionaire industrialist (Mukhesh Rushi). He loves his father and mother (Pragati) very much. He falls in love with Indu (Samanta). However, Indu has a friend called Bhumi (Kajal), who wanted to go for higher studies in the US. But Bhumi’s father Bhanuprasad (Prakash Raj) wanted to get her married to his nephew (Ajay), who is a womaniser and bad guy. So, Bhumi’s grandfather (Kota Srinivasa Rao) lies that Bhumi loved a boy and Bhanu Prasad tells Bhumi to bring him to the village. So, at the behest of Indu, Krish accepts to act as Bhumi’s boyfriend and goes to the village. He understands the situation in the house and set the things right and helps blossom love in the family. Learning that Bhanu and his brother (Srihari) have become bitter enemies because of Bhanu’s brother in law, Krish makes Bhanu to realise his folly and unites both the brothers. At this juncture, Indu reaches the village. Surprisingly, Indu is the cousin of Bhumi. Now, Krish is in a dilemma on how to convince Bhanu Prasad that he is only acting as the boyfriend of Bhumi? How he was able to convince Bhanu Prasad and his brother? Was Indu able to catch the hand of Krish? What is the fate of Bhumi? Answers to all these questions have to be seen on the screen.
Dialogues by Koratala Siva are very good. Especially, the comedy, the punch, sentiment and everything that is needed for a romantic entertainer were perfectly penned through his dialogues. Though the basic story is by the director Vamsi Paidipally, it is the dialogues that filled life in the story.
Music and songs
Thaman gave melodious tunes to all the songs and it has both the fast beat and rhythm besides melody. The lyricists kept good literary values in the songs too. The choreography of all the songs was good to watch, though not very great. As usual, NTR shook his legs with good ease and the heroines too shared the screen with equal ease.
Camera work
The camera work by Chota K Naidu is excellent. He perfectly captured the beauty of the villages and the environment to suit the taste of family audiences as well as youth. At the same time, the camera work in action scenes is also good to appease mass audiences.